Established in January 2017, MWJ Accountants are proud of our history serving businesses and individuals across Hobart with a wide range of accounting services.
We understand the challenges you face, from making effective business decisions to maximising your net worth. The team at MWJ Accountants have been helping businesses like yours navigate the complex business waters for over 35 years.
Our success is built on the strong individual relationships we maintain with our clients. Simply put, the more we invest in understanding you, your family, and your business, the more valuable the insight we can offer. The result — maximised return on the time and effort you invest to meet your business, family, and personal financial goals.
The current team at MWJ Accountants, are here to support you with tax advice, business mentoring, superannuation and much more.
At MWJ Accountants we aim to provide you with advice when your business needs it, not just when you ask for it. We help you manage every aspect of your business.
We offer a range of free, easy to use online tools to help you manage aspects of your business and keep you up to date with tax facts and information as well as key financial dates.
If you have a general enquiry or would like to meet with a member of our team please feel free to call us or make an appointment.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.